Artykuły Tomasza J. Kosińskiego w zagranicznych żurnalach

artykuły Tomasza J. Kosińskiego w zagranicznych żurnalach
  1. September 2023, Paleolinguistics in the Service of Ethnogenetics, Quaderni di Semantica.
  2. May 2023, Archaeogeneticists on the origin of the Indo-Europeans, with particular emphasis on the Pre-Slavs as their oldest ancestor, Advances in Anthropology.
  3. March 2, 2023, Genetic Bloggers And Ethnogenetics Enthusiasts About The Origin Of The Slavs (Viewed From Polish Perspective), International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume.11, Issue 2, pp.e444-e480, February 2023 (published March 2, 2023),, DOI:
  4. February 28, 2023, Ancestors of Poles in the Battle of the Tollense Valley, Advances in Anthropology, 13(1), pp. 41-68, Special Issue on Cultural Anthropology, DOI:10.4236/aa.2023.131004 .
  5. February 23, 2023, Research of ancient DNA by Polish scientists, Proceedings of the Academy of DNA Genealogy, 16(3), pp. 398-431, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.32864.56327
  6. February 21, 2023, Topogenesis of the Slavs in terms of language,, Proceedings of the 19th International Topical Conference. The Origins of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, June 2nd, 2023, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.21359.71846.
  7. September 22, 2022, The forgotten “Kingdom of the Slavs” by Mauro Orbini,, Proceedings of the 19th International Topical Conference. The Origins of Slovenes and Europeans, Lublana, June 2nd, 2023, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.28742.96323/1

Artykuły Adriana Leszczyńskiego

Adrian Leszczyński: